Why Home-Grown Australian Almonds Are The Best Choice For Your Pantry

If you are looking for a healthy snack option for your children or simply want something that goes well with almost any meal you can think of, then it is hard to look past the benefits of almonds. What you may not know is that Australia actually makes quite a lot of almonds itself, but many people end up buying cheaper almonds that are grown overseas and simply packaged here. If you want the best possible almonds you can get, then here are a few reasons why you should absolutely prioritize Australian almonds over all the alternatives you might see on your local supermarket shelves. [Read More]

Top Types of Testing You Can Have Done on the Crops You've Grown

If you grow crops — either on a large scale or in a smaller garden — then you may want to have testing done on your crops. This is especially important if you are planning on selling your produce to the public, or if you're going to be using it in cooking in a restaurant setting. However, even if it's just you, your family members and friends who are going to be eating the produce that you have grown, you might want to have this testing done for safety and educational purposes. [Read More]

Two tips for those who want to grow gluten-free crops

If you would like to grow a gluten-free crop on your farmland, you should read the advice here very carefully. Don't wait until it's time to harvest the crop to test it for this allergen The only sure-fire way to check if a crop you are growing does or does not contain any gluten is to have a business that does allergen testing perform some tests on it. You must pay a fee for using this type of testing service. [Read More]

Water Testing: What Does the Process Involve?

Water testing is the scientific process of evaluating the contents of your water. It is only through this lab process that you can truly ascertain what is in your water, their volumes and how they affect your water. Water testing is vital when you want to verify that water is safe for drinking, swimming pool use, livestock, irrigation, fisheries and other applications. To test you water, this is what you'll need to do. [Read More]